شريط الأخبار

إسرائيل قبل 7 أكتوبر (Israel before October 7)

The world did not know that the State of Israel (the only democratic country in the Middle East) captures children (under the age of 18) and women.
The world did not know that the State of Israel was practicing terrorism on the West Bank, especially on the residents of East Jerusalem.
The world did not know that the State of Israel was preventing the establishment of Islamic and Christian beliefs in Jerusalem and inciting settlers to insult believers and Islamic and Christian clerics.
The world did not know that the State of Israel practices torture against Palestinian prisoners in (subhuman) detention centers.
The world did not know that Israel uses drones all the time in the Gaza Strip to create a disturbed psychology for all residents in a large and besieged detention center called (Gaza).
And more…..

On October 7, the world discovered that the Israelis view the Palestinian person as an animal?
The world know that Israel had blocked water and electricity.
The world know that the children and women of Gaza were killed.
Freedom for Palestine

التعليقات مغلقة.

Developed By: HishamDalal@gmail.com